Monday, June 6, 2011

Meet Me On Monday and excuses for my long absence

Wow!  It's been awhile hasn't it?  Sorry I've been MIA lately.  But I have excuses (aren't there always excuses?  But I swear, mine are good excuses! ☺)

First, I've decided to do summer tutoring and science workshops, so I've been busy planning how it all will work.  I've created a website and I'm working on a flyer to be approved by some local elementary schools to send home (school ends on June 16, so I gotta get my butt in gear and finish this flyer!).  Hopefully after all this, I'll actually get some kids signed up!

Also, a couple of weeks ago, I sent out a bunch of application packets to school districts all over the state applying for jobs for next year.  Last week, I got a call for an interview at one of those districts!  I haven't been called for an interview in about a year, so actually getting an interview is exciting.  I've decided to revamp my teaching portfolio before this interview in 2 weeks.  I had a plan for the theme and what I wanted to do, but of course couldn't find what I needed to fit the theme.  So now, with a new theme, I'm planning how I want it to look...Phew!

Anyways, it's also Monday and time for Meet Me on Monday, so here we go:

1.  What is was the last piece of candy that you ate?
2.  Do you "read" in the bathroom?
Nope, can't say that I do.

3.  I can't stand when someone _________?

I hate when someone rides my rear!
If I have to hit the brakes, I really don't want you to slam
into me because you were riding my rear!

4.  Do you do daily, weekly or monthly grocery shopping?

Well, right now, I usually go when I'm told
I need to pick up a few things.
When I lived on my own, though, I usually did my
grocery shopping either every week or
every other week.


  1. I want to leave a comment, my 3rd attempt...Hoping for good job results!

  2. it is blogger today not your blog, that is having problems...

  3. That is exciting - and good excuses. Good luck on the tutoring and the interview!

  4. Tailgating is a pet peeve of mine too. It drives me bonkers!

  5. Wow..looks like you had been busy..


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